The cutting-edge in branding. Sign up for Brandweek's daily email newsletter; when trends emerge, brand extensions flop, or new identities are launched, you'll be the first to know.
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Another great newsletter to sign up for (look for it weekly). Brandchannel's Web site is a great place to head for book reviews, job opportunities, and papers on a vast array of topics.
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An tremendous resource for those interested in learning about everything to do with naming. Check out the Wordboard Naming and Branding Discussion Forum for the opportunity to get in on some virtual brainstorming. It's easy to spend WAY too much time here thinking up names for everything from products to planets. Wordlab is provided by the San Francisco-based naming and branding agency Igor.
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Blog aficionados will adore this site. It's like having a team of real live brand strategists at your disposal! Plus, one of the Branding Strategy Insider's authors wrote Brand Aid, which is an excellent book.
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Check out this massive list of books recommended by AIGA, the professional association for design. Collect 'em all!
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If you're in the market for a degree in advertising, journalism or public relations, look no further. The School of Journalism & Mass Communications (JMC) at San Jose State University is the largest of its kind in Northern California, and offers a full range of innovtive classes from Freshman to graduate level. You'll also want to visit the University's Web site.
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